Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ice Dancing: Making a Mockery of the Olympics Since 1976

There is a woman wearing a plaid, rhinestone-studded shirt. It is tied at mid-torso and paired with too-short jean cut-offs. Her male counterpart is decked out in similar garb.

What is this? A Dukes of Hazard re-run?

No. This is the Olympics. And this is embarrassing.

There is a reason that the commentators are virtually silent as the pair skates across the ice. “The pair skates some more… twirl… hop… gee, that female skater certainly has a flat midriff… another spin…” What is there to comment on?

At last, the Russian skaters take the ice, and the commentators finally have something to talk about. Do they discuss the pair’s remarkable compatibility or astounding athleticism? No. They remark on the controversy surrounding the skaters’ costume choice. Because not only is this event definitely not legit, it is racially offensive.

The Russians are wearing costumes that consist of red loincloths, body paint, and eucalyptus leaves. They are doing an “aboriginal dance” complete with Eskimo kisses and wide-eyed expressions.

Stereotypical? Most likely. Ridiculous? Definitely.

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