Monday, April 26, 2010

A Tribute to Georgetown Day

There is no day holier than Georgetown Day. Some might argue Christmas, others 4/20. But if you've ever been to Georgetown on Georgetown day, you'd know why it has no parallel.

1. Class cancellations.

Anila has already had three of four classes canceled. (Except for the one class we have together, of course.)

2. The acceptability of intoxication during classes not canceled.

Pre-gaming a language class is most ideal- diminishes your inhibitions and encourages free conversation. Nevertheless, pre-gaming should not turn into gaming. Save your strength; it's a long day.

3. Leo's goes outside.

There's nothing like a special twist on your everyday dining hall cuisine. Usually, these festivities include some form of Karaoke, which is just embarrassing for all parties involved. On Georgetown day, however, we can say goodbye to those slightly-green eggs and long wait at the Diner just in time for someone to steal your grilled cheese. Nothing but good ole fashioned hamburgers to be enjoyed on the lawn.

4. Foam Pit Extravanganza

Likely a breeding ground for a slew of viruses, the giant foam pit in Red Square is sure to bring hours of fun.

5. Guggernaut (all week)

Brought to you by GUGS (the Georgetown University Grilling Society, where you don't have to choose between college & flipping burgers) Guggernaut is a week-long event of good food and friends. Includes, but is not limited to, sausages from around the world, ribs, a GUGS burger eating contest, and finally a party on Village A rooftops overlooking the Potomac River.

6. The Fact that It's Still On

During Snowmageddon, our Provost James O'Donnell (not the same James from orchestra class) decided to take back President's day. We originally had scheduled no class, but dear Jimmy took that luxury away. A backlash fomented as the student body feared the precedent he set. What other holidays might the University relinquish? Watch, and find out.

Hoya Saxa,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Centaurs are Cute, Too

Me: “Whoa. That guy is really hot.”
Friend: “He looks like a hobbit.”
Me: “So…?”

Long hair and soul patches do wonders for fantastical characters like centaurs. Humans are a slightly different story. It is true that not everyone can pull them off, and there is a very fine line between what works and what just makes you look like a creep. But if you can pull them off, you automatically become 10x more attractive. So don’t hate on the good-looking hobbits.

Turn Off the Music and Face the Music

“Hey Bob!” I say happily. No response. “Bob?” I repeat, a little louder, but he still doesn’t so much as glance in my direction. When I catch up with him and I see the little white ear buds and I know why. Bob couldn’t hear me because he was listening to music.

As music-listening technology gets more and more advanced, people are becoming less and less social. It’s not just Bob. Many students slip on their headphones and crank up the volume on their iPods the second class is over. In doing this, they become almost entirely unapproachable and eliminate any potential for post-class discussion. “Dude I just bombed that quiz…I can’t believe we have to write that paper for next class…” This is quality bonding time that is often wasted because a student cannot last a moment longer without having their eardrums bombarded by Beethoven.

The post-class headphone routine is even more unfortunate if a headphone-free and headphone-wearing student happen to be walking in the same direction as each other. “You’re walking to Foss? Oh, me too,” the headphone-free student often finds themselves thinking. “I’ll just walk a couple steps behind you awkwardly and we won’t talk...” It is also embarrassing if the headphone-free student is not aware that their classmate is wearing headphones, attempts to talk to them, and is publicly ignored.

Maybe people like Bob hide behind their headphones because they are shy and fear social interaction. To this, I say they need to take off the headphones even more. They need to learn how to have a casual conversation with a fellow classmate, if not because they want to make friends because this is a skill that will surely come in handy in the real world of networking and job interviews.

Maybe people like Bob are misanthropes who cannot stand listening to the inane discussion that goes on in between classes. Maybe Bob hates me and was pretending not to notice me on purpose… but I’m going to go ahead and blame technology on this one.

Maybe people like Bob just love music. So much so that they apparently can’t go a second without it. But the music will always be there. The cute girl/boy in their biology class who has been hanging back after class hoping to talk to them will not.